10 Tips to Remember when Enrolling People in Your Coaching


  1. The #1 thought people are having when they engage with you about your coaching, regardless of where, when, or how, is “I wonder what’s in this for me?”
  2. “Coaching” doesn’t sell. Results do. Always speak about the end results.
  3. If you don’t believe you are worth your fee, no one else will either. 
  4. If you help people feel better temporarily, they’ll lose their motivation to get help and feel better permanently.
  5. People need to feel as though you “get” them. If they don’t, nothing else you say will matter.
  6. Coaching people to listen to their intuition and get past their fear and doubt is support, not manipulation.
  7. Most of the time it’s not about money, it’s about values and priorities. The most important priorities get the money.   
  8. Confidence is a choice. Before you have any conversation about your coaching, choose to be confident in yourself and your ability to help others get results. 
  9. Always be honest. Tell the truth (tactfully), even if it’s not what they want to hear. Your ideal clients will recognize and appreciate it.
  10. Have faith in people. See their potential. Know they can do it, and they will!

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