Business Launch VIP Day

This 5 hour day includes pre-work, a downloadable mp3 recording, a template with all the results emailed to you afterwards, and a 30 minute follow up session to answer any questions that come up later.

Part 1

In this first part, we’ll create a branded name for your business that reflects your niche. We’ll create your title, decide on a domain name, and create a tagline if appropriate.

Next, we’ll look at the challenges and pain your clients experience from their perspective, and using strategically chosen language we’ll craft what are called “pain point bullets” to use in your marketing.

These “pain points” will speak directly to your ideal client and draw them to you, because they will echo the exact thoughts that go through their heads. We’re going to make sure they look at these bullets and say “Oh my Gosh, that’s me!”

Then we’ll clarify the exact results you create in your work with them, again using strategically chosen language in the form of what are called “benefit bullets” to use in your marketing, so prospects get a clear picture of the amazing transformation they’ll get when they work with you.

-20 minute break-


Part 2

Next, We’ll design your “Signature System” process using a step-by-step system, which will take an intangible service like your coaching and makes it tangible. It clarifies and solidifies exactly what you offer so you can easily speak about it to prospective clients, and they will clearly see the benefits and results of your programs, step by step.

Your signature system also provides the backbone for your coaching programs. We’ll be able to easily design your programs using your signature system once it’s completed. Finally, your signature system is the key to leveraging your time and helping groups as well as one on one clients.

-15  minute break-


Part 3

Once we’ve completed your signature system, we’ll do your “Money Mountain.” This is where we decide on the programs you’re going to offer.

We’ll strategically create those programs at different price points, so they attract all ends of the spectrum in terms of clients for you. We’ll make sure each program offers great value while enticing your clients up to the next level, into your next highest program. We’ll make sure the whole package is viable and lucrative for you.

We’ll set your income goals, and we’ll do the math so you know the exact number of people you need to talk to and programs you need to do per month to achieve your goals.

-15  minute break-


Part 4

Finally, we’ll wrap up with my teaching you a simple internet strategy that will help you build long term clientele as well as bring in immediate clients. We’ll decide what your free taste to draw people into your marketing funnel will be, and I’ll give you a resource to help you with the technical piece.


Follow-up session

Within a few days, we’ll do a 30 min. follow up session. In that session we’ll wrap up anything we still need to do, I’ll answer any questions that have come up for you, and we’ll look at what your next steps will be moving forward.