How to save Time and Money by Choosing a Niche

Niche Market“What if I lose clients because they are outside of my niche?”

This is probably the number one concern of new coaches when they are considering choosing a niche. The thinking is that the wider the niche, the more clients you’ll have. To think like an entrepreneur, you need to understand that it’s actually the exact opposite.

The more you narrow your niche, the MORE clients you’ll get! So you’ll get more clients and make more money by “niching.”

In addition, you’ll be able to charge more for your coaching. People pay less for a generalist than for a specialist. Think about general doctors vs. specialists. Who is able to charge more? People simply pay more if they believe you specialize in their specific challenges.

You’ll also save time because it’s enormously time consuming to market to a wide variety of people, and you’ll get a very low percentage of clients from that effort.

So how does it work? How can you get more clients by narrowing down and marketing to a smaller number of more targeted prospects?

Clients want to work with you because they feel as though you “get them.” They want to know you understand what they are thinking and feeling, what their challenges are.

When you have a specific niche market, you can reach out and attract clients who feel as though you know them well. It’s your specific expertise that motivates people to work with you.

The less specific your market, the less you are able to “get” each individual, and the less likely they’ll want to work with you.

So although you may think you’ll lose clients by specializing, in fact it’s the other way around. You lose clients by not specializing. The more general you are, the more clients you lose.

Or, as the saying goes, “When you market to everyone, you market to no one.”

Another concern is “But what if someone wants to coach with me who isn’t in my niche?” Having a niche doesn’t mean you can’t take clients outside of your niche. Having a niche is simply a marketing strategy to get clients. It also helps you serve your clients well because you get to know your ideal clients intimately.

So take any and all clients you want! Having a niche simply means that your niche is the focus of your time, energy and marketing dollars, because that will bring you the most reward for the least amount of effort.

There’s a secondary concern coaches have about choosing a niche:

“I can do so much more than serve a narrow niche; it cramps my style to specialize. I wouldn’t be using all of my talents and abilities.”

I hear you. That was one of MY concerns, the one that kept me from specializing for a long time.

The best part is, you’ll still have the opportunity to branch out. Think of it this way: your niche is just the “gateway” problem and solution you offer to attract your ideal client. Once your clients get to know you, they’ll want other talents and abilities you have to offer.

It’s all about the relationship. Once you have a relationship with people, they’re interested in other things you have to offer because they want to work with you! So you’ll have plenty of opportunity to use all of your talents and abilities.

If you’d like to learn more about how to save time and money by choosing a niche, I cover a whole lot more about niches in my instant download free teleclass “Nail Down Your Niche.” To download the class, simply click here and you can listen to it right now!

Read further about new coach mindset shift number 3.

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