Mastermind or One-on-One? Which help is best for YOUR business?

Young Woman Using LaptopIf you want to start up or grow a business, there are many different coaches, consultants and experts out there that are more than willing to help you. Typically they fall into three categories:

  1. Group mastermind type programs
  2. Experts who will “do it for you.”
  3. One on one individual help where they will offer their expertise, partnering with you and creating marketing and business plan that incorporates your desires and their knowledge and expertise.

Let’s look at each option:

Mastermind Programs

There are a lot of group mastermind programs out there to help new coaches and entrepreneur’s start-up or grow their business. Typically they educated and teach you what to do, then your job is to go do it.


The group offers support and accountability in “doing it,” as well as a forum for individual questions. The advantage is you have the group energy and synergy to support you, and you do learn what needs to be done for your business.


The disadvantage is just because you learn what you need to do, doesn’t always mean you can do it, or do it well. Writing marketing copy, creating a business plan, or designing packages isn’t always as easy as it looks.

In addition, most people don’t realize how important one on one help is to their specific situation until they find themselves in a program that doesn’t offer enough of it. Then they become frustrated because they aren’t getting enough one on one attention to help them accomplish what they want to do in their individual business.

I hear this lot from clients who come to me from other group programs: “It just wasn’t what I needed. They just kept throwing information at me and I kept thinking it would be useful in the future. Or I couldn’t take that information and do anything useful with it.”


“Done for You” Experts

Experts who will “do it for you” sound like a very attractive option.


You don’t have to worry about anything; they’ll do all the writing, the marketing or set your business systems up for you. The advantage is obvious: you can relax and it gets done in a timely manner.


The disadvantages are, if someone else writes it or markets for you, it may not sound like you or be exactly what you want. Plus, that personal touch from you is often what draws your ideal clients in. Without it, you may not get the business you’re hoping for.

If someone else sets your business systems up for you, you may find that those systems don’t fit your personal style or way of doing things, so you’ll end up not using them. Then the money you’ve spent has gone down the drain, and you still don’t have working systems.

One-On-One Individual Expert Help

One on one individual help combines the best of both worlds.


You get to have it just the way you want, so it sounds like you, has that personal touch that appeals to your ideal clients, and yet still sounds professional and utilizes all the knowledge and expertise of a professional in the creation.


The disadvantage to one on one is not having the group synergy. In addition, many experts charge such astronomical amounts for this type of help that it’s completely out of the budget for some coaches or entrepreneurs.

So what’s best for you? Some things to take into consideration are: Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introverts tend to do much better with one-on-one.

The Bottom Line

What stage is your business at? If you still need to create your marketing, copy and systems, one on one might be your best choice.

If you have your business and marketing plan and everything is set up, the group synergy might be your best choice for accountability and support moving forward.

Some programs try to combine both the group and individual aspects, which may sound ideal, but you’ll want to examine the personal one on one time that’s offered very, very carefully.

Often it’s not enough for you to truly get what you need, and the majority of what you’re getting is group time.

Also, take note if the coach or individual who is offering the program is the one who will be coaching you or giving the one on one time. If it’s not, you may not receive the quality of support or expertise you expect.

I personally specialize in offering one-on-one expertise and support, at an investment that reflects the quality of the results but doesn’t break the bank. I truly love working in partnership with others on that level.

Whatever type of support is best for you, remember, your business is likely to be more successful, more quickly, with expert help!

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