"Now You can 'Nail Down' a SIZZLING Hot Niche that is Both Soul-Satisfying and Financially Rewarding . . ."

No More Agonizing!

FINALLY, You Can Nail Down the Perfect Niche in Just 90 Minutes!

From: Kellie deRuyter CPC, PCC
"Marketing Made Easy for Coaches"
A warm sunny day
Santa Cruz, CA

Dear Coach,

Do you secretly envy the coaches who sailed through coaching school, knowing exactly what their niche would be from the very beginning? I know I did. Here I thought I'd finally figured out what I wanted to be "when I grew up" (a coach), and then I discovered there was one more choice left to make!

Choosing a niche can be as challenging as choosing a career.

Choosing a niche can be as challenging as choosing a career. My biggest fear was getting "stuck" with a niche that either didn't work out, or that I wasn't happy in. I've noticed the same fear in many of the coaches who come to me now, looking for help with a niche. 

I used to think: What if no one was interested in what I offered? How embarrassing. What if no one signs up for my events and programs? Unthinkable.

And finally: What if I fail?

I have 14 years experience as a coach, and for ten of those years, I had no true niche.

I know. Sounds unbelievable, doesn't it? Oh, I wasn't idle during that time. I actually was modestly successful and had quite a few clients (which in retrospect, was amazing!) 

BUT, I never built my business past the beginning stages, because I didn't commit to a market and a niche. I never went to the next level in income and business. Because the honest truth is, without a solid niche, no one can

Have you ever wished you could go back in time, and talk to the "you" back then, giving the person you were the comfort and advice you have available to you now? The knowledge you have now?

I admit it, I've thought about that on occasion with regard to my own niche challenges.

Choosing a successful niche and making 6 figures
with it 
is very doable!


But truly, I believe everything happens for a reason, and I believe the reason I went through the experience of being "niche challenged" was so I could take the knowledge and expertise I gained, and help other coaches choose a great niche.


My career was perfectly set up for me to become the coach I am now: someone who makes marketing easy for coaches, so they can make 6 figures without struggle.


And YES, choosing a successful niche and making 6 figures with it is very doable! Standing on this side of the fence, it looks so easy now. 

If I hadn't gone through my own niche woes, I'd wonder what the trouble was. You can "nail down" a sizzling hot niche that is both soul-satisfying and financially rewarding!


I am beyond thrilled with the niche I have now. I absolutely love working with my own ideal clients, and because it's the perfect niche for me, my ideal clients are interested in what I offer, and they do sign up for my events and programs! (Thanks guys!)

Here's the best news: I've created a special, private, one-on-one intensive just for people like I was, who are still struggling with completely "Nailing Down a Niche" and moving on to build a successful business. This is a VIP experience that you won't find anywhere else!


Would you love to:


Get private, 1-on-1 help from a seasoned professional for a reasonable investment?   

Feel confident in your choice of niche, no second guessing yourself, because you know you have a "Hot" Market & Niche (that you just love!)?

Have a fabulous, professionally crafted Branding Promise that results in your Ideal Client saying "Oh My Gosh, I need your help!" - every time?

Share your Branding Promise with confidence and ease, knowing it sounds natural and not contrived?

If the answer is "YES", then you'll love my "Nail Down Your Niche" Private Intensive.

This all private, one-on-one intensive with me is exactly where so many of my clients found their perfect niche!

If you've been frustrated with:


·  Group programs that give you lots of information, but are difficult to apply.


·  Your own uncertainty with choosing a niche: how do you know if it's the right one?


·  Seeing other coaches with exciting niches move forward on their biz - YOU want to be there!



Then you're in the right place. This is the VIP experience you've been waiting for!

In my "Nail Down Your Niche" Private Intensive, you and I will work together to:

Choose a sizzling hot niche that takes your desires, interests, and background into consideration, using my knowledge, experience, training and creativity, to discover your market and niche.

Make sure you feel comfortable and confident with your new niche (We'll go over, step by step, exactly WHY it's a hot niche!)

Create a professionally crafted Branding Promise you can use in your website banner, and all of your marketing materials.

Practice delivering your Branding Promise as an elevator speech, so you feel confident and natural saying it off the cuff to anyone (Get ready for your Ideal Clients - they'll want to hear more!)

** Limited Time Offer **


This Private VIP experience is a "steal" at the regular investment of just $297, and many satisfied clients have happily invested in their new niche for that amount.

Are you more than ready to start getting your ideal clients right away?
Want to Nail Down Your Niche right now?


I am so looking forward to working with you. Until then . . .


