5 Keys to Get out of Overwhelm & Going on your Coaching Biz

It’s so exciting to complete your coach training and be ready to start up your very own coaching business! When I look back, it reminds me a little of becoming a parent.

It was exciting to go through that process too. Then, once my twins were born, reality hit. It was overwhelming. There was so much to do, so much to learn, so much to absorb, and just about everybody had an opinion.

Sound familiar? If so, that’s not surprising. It’s very much like marketing a new coaching business.

Questions buzz around inside your head such as: Now what do I do? Who do I listen to? Can I do this myself? Do I need to pay for help? Do I have to have a niche? How much should I pay for a website? And so on . . .

The more you look into it, the more there seems to be to it, and the more overwhelmed you get.

It’s enough to cause any sane person to freeze, and put off doing anything at all, which is exactly what happens with many coaches.

It’s true there’s a lot to marketing a coaching business. It’s not as simple as putting an ad in the phone book, sitting back and waiting for the phone to ring.

However, if you’re serious about living your dream and helping others, then you need to get out of overwhelm and create a successful coaching business!

Simplicity is the overall “overwhelm” buster. if you take the following 5 keys to heart, you’ll be able to get out of overwhelm and start your business. Here they are:

1.  Breathe. This is very doable. You can do it! I’ve seen many coaches do it. The process works. You just have to take action and stick with it.

Don’t worry about the areas in yourself you feel are weaknesses. I can point out a successful 6 figure coach with every challenge you can come up with. They simply stuck with it and they leaned on their strengths. If they can do it, so can you!

Niche. Seriously, this is a big overwhelm buster. Choose a specific market and niche. When you know who you help and what you do for them, everything gets a lot more simple, I promise.

The trick is to be very specific. A niche that is too general still leaves you feeling overwhelmed and uncertain of how to market it. If you’re struggling, that’s most likely what’s happening. There are plenty of programs out there to help you find your niche.

Start with the free stuff, before you invest any money. I have a one hour free teleclass on how to Nail-Down-Your-Niche that can be downloaded instantly here: http://www.kelliederuyter.com/naildownyourniche/

3.  Focus. It’s well known that the typical creative coach personality has a bad case of “bright shiny object syndrome.” We (yes, I’m included here) get so many great ideas, we have a tendency to go from one idea to another like a hummingbird in a flower garden.

Then we get overwhelmed at all of it. Stay focused! Choose wisely, pick one direction and put all of your efforts there until they bear fruit, no matter how attractive another venture seems.

4.  Break it down. Make a list, carve off one baby step at a time, and then don’t think about the whole picture. Just think about that step. If it’s still overwhelming, then your step is too big. Break it down again.

Choose a coach or a program and follow it. Lots of coaches have gone before you and made the same mistakes over and over again. Profit from their experience. There’s nothing more overwhelming than re-inventing the wheel!

Mark Twain said it best:

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”

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